Single segment runs for Perfect Dark

A single segment run is a speedrun where the player completes all stages in one sitting. Runs do not need to be on a clean game file. Control styles and other settings may be configured before the run is started.

Unlike individual stages which are competed on "game time", single segment speedruns are competed on their "real time".

Real time speedruns

Real time speedruns aim to achieve the fastest possible completion in real time, regardless of what the mission time is. The total time is the real amount of time it took from choosing Accept in the menu before Defection to starting the cutscene at the end of the final completed level in the run. The rules for each difficulty are as follows:

Agent (Any%): All regular story missions must be completed.

Special Agent: Mr. Blonde’s Revenge and Maian SOS must be completed in addition to all regular story missions.

Perfect Agent: Mr. Blonde’s Revenge, Maian SOS, and WAR! must be completed in addition to all regular story missions.

Any% Rankings