David Jones

About David Jones

25 years old. From Georgia, United States. My favorite game of all time is actually Guitar Hero and I prefer to play the drums when I play even though I still enjoy the other instruments. Just not as much. I like to play other games such as Call of Duty (and zombies,) Need For Speed, GTA/Bully, Tony Hawk Pro Skater, other popular games of the same genre, and of course some good, classic N64 games. Im a big fan of Pokemon and an avid player of the Pokemon Trading Card Game. My favorite Pokemon is Gengar because I really like Ghost types and Gengar was hilarious in the anime. Goose's speedlores reignited my love for Goldeneye and introduced me to the aspect of speedrunning it, which I immediately became fascinated with! Hopefully I grind my way for some really good times and just have some fun!

On the map

Interesting facts

David Jones is currently 29 years old.

David Jones uses the 1.2 control style.

David Jones uses an NTSC console.

David Jones's country: United States of America.

Joined The-Elite:
9 August 2018.

Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
1 October 2018.

Gamer stats

point rank
with 1021 points
time rank
with 2:13:41