About Pauliwood
King of the South
PD Cup Champ
Unhoard Cinematic Universe
User of the Forbidden Sliding Technique
-Top 10 PD 6/22/19
-PD LTK Champion(Points) 11/25/20
-Sub 3:00 Club 8/11/19
-2nd Duel True Ending
-PD OFOS Champion
Interesting facts
Pauliwood's real name is Paul M..
Pauliwood uses the 1.2 control style.
Pauliwood uses both NTSC and PAL consoles.
Pauliwood's country: United States of America.
Joined The-Elite:
13 December 2017.
Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
13 December 2017.
Joined the Perfect Dark rankings:
12 May 2018.
Gamer stats
point rank
time rank
point rank
time rank
Latest times
2025-01-16: Rescue - LTK - 2:50 (untied!)
2025-01-15: Rescue - LTK - 2:52 (untied!)
2025-01-14: Rescue - PA - 2:38
2025-01-07: Infiltration - LTK - 1:34 (untied!)
2024-07-03: SA - 1:06:12
2024-07-02: SA - 53:37
2024-07-01: any% - 24:52
2024-07-01: any% - 37:06
2024-07-01: any% - 27:01
2024-06-19: Frigate - LTK - 1:23
2023-07-30: Statue - LTK - 2:52
2023-07-25: Infiltration - SA - 1:07
2023-07-24: Infiltration - A - 1:01
2023-07-24: Infiltration - A - 1:03
2023-07-20: Infiltration - LTK - 1:38 (untied!)