Aztec Agent 1:40 by Jason Reines
Video not available
  • Achieved: 19 June 2022
  • Posted: 19 June 2022 at 11:22 pm EDT
  • System: NTSC
  • Points when achieved: 0
  • Rank: 158th (0 points)

Player's comments:
had a heartbreaker run where they didn't shoot me through console that I estimate would of been 1:35-1:36!

this run is...ok. kinda. Target now is 1:35 maybe sub 1:35

Jason Reines's time history for Aztec Agent

Date Achieved Time Proof System
19 June 2022 Comments NTSC
14 June 2022 Comments NTSC
23 May 2016 NTSC
12 June 2013 NTSC

See also: