
About SammoSammy

My name is Sam and first and foremost I am a Goldeneye Speedrunner. That is who and what I am.

Notable Accomplishments:
Held all 60/60 Pointless Time Records [PTR] simultaneously
Presented an unhoard of my first points called S.A.M.P.A.P.
Achieved Streets Agent 1:11 as my first World Record, the same day Streets Agent was the daily double in league 2019
Most Valuable Non-Captain Player of The University of Keenisiology (2nd Place) for League 2019
2nd Place in the inaugural Brabham Cup 2020
Captain of Oxley State High School (2nd Place) for League 2020
Streamed Frigate for over 24 hours on Frigate Day 2021
Achieved my first Untied (Depot SA 38) live at an Australian Meet

I have 4 World Records
I have 1 Untied World Record
I am on 1 Leaderboard (Streets)
I have 11 System World Records
I have 2 Untied System World Record (Depot SA ENG, Depot 00 PAL)
I am Rank 1 on 5 System Rankings
- Statue Agent
- Depot PAL
- Depot Secret Agent
- Depot 00 Agent
- Depot Multi-System
I am the highest ranked player without Runway 22

I am also currently working towards achieving a harebrained and constantly evolving list of long term goals for all 60 levels that will place me in 20th place. I have achieved 22/60 of these goals.

RTA Goals
Agent: <22:50
Secret Agent: <33:00
00 Agent: <40:00
100%: <1:05:00
All 60: <1:50:00


SAMPAP link for North America:

Joined The Elite March 17th, 2018

GoldenEye Milestones:
Sub 3:00:00 Total Time: April 10th, 2018
Sub 2:00:00 Total Time: April 29th, 2018
Top 100 Time Rank: July 31st, 2018
Sub 1:30:00 Total Time: July 31st, 2018
60/60 GE PTRs: December 4th, 2018
First official points: January 27th, 2019
First LBs: Streets, March 26th, 2019
1,000 Points: June 26th, 2019
Top 100 Points Rank: July 14th, 2019
First WR (Streets Agent): July 16th, 2019
Sub 1:20:00 Total Time: July 21st, 2019
2,000 points: August 11th, 2019
Top 50 Time Rank: April 19th, 2020
1,000 SA Points: June 24th, 2020
Sub 1:17:00 Total Time: July 12th, 2020
3,000 points: July 12th, 2020
Top 50 Points Rank: July 12th, 2020
First System Untied: November 18th, 2021

GoldenEye LTK Milestones:
First points: April 12th, 2018
Top 100 Time Rank: 7 May 2018*
Top 100 Points Rank: 14 August 2018*
Top 50 Time Rank: 1 September 2018*
First WR (Cradle LTK): Sept. 30th, 2018
Top 50 Points Rank: Nov. 27th, 2018
1,000 Points: January 26th, 2019
Top 25 Time Rank: February 19th, 2019
Top 25 Points Rank: July 28th, 2019

*May be inaccurate

Points Rank: 46th
Points: 3119
Time: 41st
Leaders: 30th
WRs: 4(1)
Leaderboards: 2
Consecutive LBs: 2

"Imagine being Rutzou watching that video and having to be all like "damn, Ryan Lockwood, you're a fucking legend, all cool with your insane pace and your clutched grenade launcher. I would totally respect you as a speedrunner, both my online persona and the real me." when all he really wants to do is run train in his government funded apartment. Like seriously, imagine having to be Rutzou and not only sit in your dimly lit apartment while Ryan Lockwood flaunts his disgusting tied WR in front of you, the favourable music barely concealing his pathetic rank and sloppy execution, and just sit there, replay after replay, hour after hour, while Lockwood becomes an international meme. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous fucking WR but his haughty attitude as everyone on YouTube tells him he's A FUCKING LEGEND and DAMN, RYAN LOCKWOOD COMMENTATES LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch their initials contort from MR to MRRL on the rankings. You've been doing nothing but getting insane untieds and not washing your dishes and downvoting videos for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the suburbs of Denmark. You've never seen a run take off like this, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on Lockwood's fingers as he types up a storm, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to witness him skip 1:13 and revel in his "clutchness (for that is what he calls himself)" run, the run he worked so hard for with hours and hours of streaming. And the video replays again, and you know you could reveal the ultimate truth to everyone in the world before the elite moderators could ban you, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Marc Rutzou. You're not going to lose your future Train Agent untied WR over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it."

Link to the old PTR list:

And yes, I'm STILL woke on the JQ (Joris Quevestion)

Contact details

On the map

Interesting facts

SammoSammy's real name is Samuel Scholten.

SammoSammy is currently 29 years old.

SammoSammy uses the 1.2 control style.

SammoSammy uses both NTSC and PAL consoles.

SammoSammy's country: Australia.

Joined The-Elite:
16 March 2018.

Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
16 March 2018.

Joined the Perfect Dark rankings:
24 June 2020.

Gamer stats

point rank
with 2996 points
time rank
with 1:15:55
Perfect Dark
point rank
with 12 points
Perfect Dark
time rank
with 20:42:24