
About d0ggr

World Records Achieved

Runway A 0:22 2/12/20
Crash Site A 1:14 8/24/20
Crash Site SA 1:25 8/26/20
Crash Site A 1:13 10/17/20
Crash Site SA 1:24 10/20/20 Untied Slay
Defection A 0:05 1/16/22 *
Infiltration A 0:59 2/3/22
Bunker 1 A 0:16 6/5/22 *
Depot A 0:23 6/18/22 *
Crash Site A 1:12 3/19/23 Untied Slay
Crash Site SA 1:23 7/2/23
Cradle A 0:33 9/4/23 *
Cradle 00A 0:33 6/22/24 *
Cradle SA 0:33 7/10/24 *

Proud founder and member of the ECPS
(End Cinematic Preservation Society.)
Working to preserve the art of playing out end cinematics on all UWR/WR speedruns.

Contact details

Interesting facts

d0ggr's real name is Spencer M..

d0ggr uses Upright.

d0ggr prefers Wide.

d0ggr's country: United States of America.

Joined The-Elite:
10 July 2018.

Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
10 July 2018.

Joined the Perfect Dark rankings:
16 December 2018.

Gamer stats

point rank
with 791 points
time rank
with 16:07:58
Perfect Dark
point rank
with 879 points
Perfect Dark
time rank
with 16:51:54