Dr. Light

About Dr. Light

Peak Ranks:
20th in GE, 5th in PD,
5th in Rare Points, 4th in Rare Time

-MVP and on the winning team for the 2019 Summer League
-Team Captain of the winning team for 2021 Summer League
-Got carried to win 2023 Summer League
-Joined the Elite and posted my first time: July 26th, 2018
-First world record and points (B1 A 17): August 29th, 2018
-Top 100 Goldeneye: January 25th, 2019
-Got Perfect Dark and first PD points: March 7th, 2019
-First PD Leaderboard (Air Base): May 2nd, 2019
-Top 25 Perfect Dark: July 23rd, 2019
-First PD WR: September 2nd, 2019
-42/42 PD LTK: September 8th, 2019
-First GE Leaderboard (B1): December 28th, 2019
-Part of the Project 2020 Unhoard: February 1st, 2020
-First UWR (Ruins A): March 13th, 2020
-Top 10 PD: April 7th, 2020
-Top 5 PD: May 9th, 2020
-Top 10 Rare Points: July 27th, 2020
-Top 50 GE: October 2nd, 2020
-Sub 3:00:00 Total Time with Duel 4:20s: February 6th, 2021
-Points on Every Level: March 23rd, 2021
-Top 25 GE: June 18th, 2021
-Top 5 Rare Time and 2:45:00 Total Time: June 27th, 2021

Contact details

On the map

Interesting facts

Dr. Light's real name is Michael Lightbody.

Dr. Light is currently 27 years old.

Dr. Light uses the 1.2 control style.

Dr. Light uses both NTSC and PAL consoles.

Dr. Light's country: United States of America.

Joined The-Elite:
25 July 2018.

Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
25 July 2018.

Joined the Perfect Dark rankings:
7 March 2019.

Gamer stats

point rank
with 4022 points
time rank
with 1:14:21
Perfect Dark
point rank
with 5126 points
Perfect Dark
time rank
with 1:29:36