June Xelever

About June Xelever

under the intensive care of Will X.


Discord: Dusky#3784

"So it's a busy Friday night at about 6:30, right? And I'm the second last person on !last24, and we're about to run out of PBs. So I ask the other speedrunner, who shitposts the discord, to drop some hot 80 pointer. You'd think with us being in a quarantined Friday fucking night, when we're constantly busier than we have been in several months, that he'd drop a hot PB, right? NOPE. He drops a TWO FUCKING POINTER. I'd assumed he dropped an LTK complete at the very least, so naturally, we lose another PB off !last24 an hour later. So it's about 8:00 now, which is still 5 hours until the streak dies. You think he learned his lesson? OF COURSE NOT. He drops another two pointer again, expecting it to save !last24. And when !last24 inevitably dies, his excuse was "Well, any other night this PB would have saved us." BUT THIS ISN'T ANY OTHER NIGHT, IS IT? THIS IS FRIDAY FUCKING NIGHT AND WE'VE BEEN IN A NONSTOP FUCKING RUSH FOR THE PAST 100 DAYS YOU DUMBASS. He pulled some similar shit last month too. More and more I wish I could quit this speedgame but I can't afford to."

Contact details

On the map

Interesting facts

June Xelever is currently 25 years old.

June Xelever uses the 1.2 control style.

June Xelever uses Reverse.

June Xelever prefers Wide.

June Xelever uses an NTSC console.

June Xelever's country: Canada.

Joined The-Elite:
19 February 2017.

Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
19 February 2017.

Joined the Perfect Dark rankings:
24 June 2018.

Gamer stats

point rank
with 4044 points
time rank
with 3:07:37
Perfect Dark
point rank
with 4295 points
Perfect Dark
time rank
with 1:34:52