Perfect Dark Agent 1:30:27 by Seanjohn
  • Type: Real time
  • Achieved: 1 July 2024
  • Posted: 1 July 2024 at 5:24 pm EDT
  • System: NTSC
  • Rank when achieved: 29
  • Rank: N/A - Seanjohn has improved this time
  • Used control styles: 1.2
  • Used screen settings: Wide

Player's comments:
Part of an All 63 run starting at midnight on July 1st (League 2024). Contains a 39 minute pause while I got my daughter ready for school at 6:30 in the morning.

Seanjohn's time history for Perfect Dark Agent

Date Achieved Time Video System
6 July 2024 Video PAL
1 July 2024 Video NTSC