On the map
Interesting facts
Apasher's real name is Aaron Ashley.
Apasher is currently 28 years old.
Apasher uses the 1.2 control style.
Apasher uses an NTSC console.
Apasher's country: United States of America.
Joined The-Elite:
16 October 2014.
Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
16 October 2014.
Gamer stats
point rank
point rank
time rank
time rank
Latest times
2015-05-31: Bunker 1 - A - 0:21
2015-05-31: Bunker 1 - A - 0:22
2015-05-30: Runway - A - 0:23
2015-05-30: Bunker 2 - A - 0:29
2015-05-28: Bunker 2 - A - 0:30
2015-04-02: Caverns - A - 1:06
2014-11-18: Dam - A - 0:55
2014-11-11: Bunker 2 - A - 0:32
2014-11-09: Bunker 2 - A - 0:33
2014-11-06: Dam - A - 0:56
2014-11-05: Dam - A - 0:57
2014-11-05: Depot - A - 0:27
Date unknown: Depot - A - 0:28