Axel Z

About Axel Z

All my PR videos for GE are original unless noted otherwise.

My highest rank in GE was 8th in late 2011, scoring 5300+ points, and the players that were ahead of me at the time were (in order) Isran, Clemens, Bosshardt, Pekkala, White, Lovins and Cervone.

My highest rank in PD was 18th (15th in Total Time). Point peak was 4717 (or 4417 pts excluding The Duel) in April 2016.

My PR history for PD contains every single one of my PRs.

I have added comments to all my current PRs in GE and PD, including LTK times.

Virtually all PRs prior to December 2007 were achieved with 1.1 control style (and very seldom with CC). Silo Agent 1:08 was my final 1.1 PR (no CC).

Everything after December 12, 2007 was, with a few exceptions, achieved with 1.2.

September 16, 2015 was the date my PD points surpassed my GE points (4650/4651).

4000 GE points: on May 20th, 2018 (at the same time the PD point total was 4214).

3000 GE points: on July 18th, 2020 (at the same time the PD point total was 3082).

3000 PD points: on February 2nd, 2021 (at the same time the GE point total was 2824).

I held at least one WR in Goldeneye for a little more than 11½ years (Feb 10th 2007 - Sep 3 2018).

Entered the Top 50 on December 23rd 2006; kicked out of Top 50 on June 21st 2020 (point total: 3034, time rank: 30th).

Contact details

On the map

Interesting facts

Axel Z's real name is Axel Zakrisson.

Axel Z is currently 35 years old.

Axel Z uses the 1.2 control style.

Axel Z uses Reverse.

Axel Z prefers Full.

Axel Z uses both NTSC and PAL consoles.

Axel Z's country: Sweden.

Gamer stats

point rank
with 2025 points
time rank
with 1:15:59
Perfect Dark
point rank
with 2376 points
Perfect Dark
time rank
with 1:39:48