Interesting facts
Bismuth's real name is Gabriel Girard.
Bismuth is currently 31 years old.
Bismuth uses the 1.1 control style.
Bismuth uses an NTSC console.
Bismuth's country: Canada.
Joined The-Elite:
13 June 2013.
Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
17 January 2014.
Gamer stats
point rank
point rank
time rank
time rank
Latest times
2023-10-07: Frigate - SA - 1:18
2023-10-07: Frigate - 00A - 1:27
2023-09-09: Caverns - 00A - 3:50
2023-09-09: Caverns - 00A - 4:09
2023-09-07: Caverns - 00A - 5:30
2023-08-16: Aztec - 00A - 4:03
2017-02-01: Dam - A - 0:53
2016-07-16: Facility - 00A - 1:22
2016-07-15: Train - 00A - 4:28
2015-10-20: Cradle - A - 0:51
2014-09-05: Caverns - A - 1:05
2014-09-04: Caverns - A - 1:06
2014-09-04: Caverns - A - 1:07
2014-08-14: Dam - 00A - 2:59
2014-08-14: Dam - SA - 1:32