On the map
Interesting facts
Buhb's real name is Leighton Blomme.
Buhb is currently 34 years old.
Buhb uses the 1.2 control style.
Buhb uses an NTSC console.
Buhb's country: Canada.
Joined The-Elite:
9 December 2015.
Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
9 December 2015.
Joined the Perfect Dark rankings:
9 December 2015.
Gamer stats
point rank
point rank
time rank
time rank
Perfect Dark
point rank
point rank
Perfect Dark
time rank
time rank
Latest times
2019-08-18: Villa - A - 1:21
2019-07-09: Silo - SA - 3:31
2018-08-18: WAR! - SA - 1:05
2018-08-18: WAR! - A - 0:32
2018-08-18: MBR - A - 1:58
2018-08-18: Attack Ship - SA - 4:41
2018-08-18: CI - SA - 1:45
2018-03-16: Investigation - PA - 4:19
2018-03-14: Villa - PA - 4:25
2018-03-14: Investigation - PA - 4:22
2018-03-13: Skedar Ruins - SA - 2:58
2018-03-12: G5 - SA - 1:29
2018-01-25: CI - A - 1:00
2017-11-13: CI - SA - 1:46
2017-10-27: CI - PA - 2:19