Interesting facts
Czar815's real name is Cesar Dainezi.
Czar815 is currently 33 years old.
Czar815 uses the 1.1 control style.
Czar815 uses an NTSC console.
Czar815's country: Brazil.
Joined The-Elite:
22 December 2017.
Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
3 February 2018.
Gamer stats
point rank
point rank
time rank
time rank
Latest times
2018-03-17: Frigate - A - 1:03
2018-03-17: Silo - A - 2:20
2018-03-17: Bunker 1 - A - 0:27
2018-03-17: Surface 1 - A - 1:28
2018-02-04: Runway - 00A - 1:28
2018-02-04: Runway - 00A - 2:24
2018-02-04: Runway - A - 0:27
2018-02-04: Streets - A - 1:29
2018-02-04: Runway - A - 0:30
2018-02-04: Runway - A - 0:31
2018-02-04: Facility - A - 1:26
Date unknown: Dam - A - 0:56