Contact details
Interesting facts
DaisyFan's real name is Marc-André Morin.
DaisyFan is currently 33 years old.
DaisyFan uses the 1.2 control style.
DaisyFan uses both NTSC and PAL consoles.
DaisyFan's country: Canada.
Joined The-Elite:
11 January 2018.
Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
14 January 2018.
Joined the Perfect Dark rankings:
2 October 2018.
Gamer stats
point rank
point rank
time rank
time rank
Perfect Dark
point rank
point rank
Perfect Dark
time rank
time rank
Latest times
2021-05-04: Archives - A - 0:17
2021-03-04: Duel - A - 0:03
2021-03-02: Defection - A - 0:06
2019-10-28: Frigate - A - 0:27
2019-08-07: Depot - A - 0:27
2018-10-09: Frigate - A - 0:32
2018-10-07: Extraction - A - 0:55
2018-10-07: Extraction - A - 0:57
2018-10-05: CI - A - 0:51
2018-10-04: CI - A - 0:52
2018-10-03: CI - A - 0:53
2018-10-03: CI - A - 0:54
2018-10-03: CI - A - 0:55
2018-10-02: CI - A - 0:57
2018-10-02: CI - A - 0:58