Dave Claes

About Dave Claes

Hello there.

I have played GoldenEye since I was a child, and 20 years later I still have my original console and game. I was never a brilliant gamer as a kid (I did complete Cradle on Agent, but couldn’t get past Control on SA and Bunker 1 on 00).

Having started to play again, I’ve cleared all levels across all three difficulties, and I’m now working on seeing what improvements I can make on my best times. I don’t see myself challenging for anything, but it’s the fun which counts.

Aside from finally clearing all levels (minus LTK/DLTK attempts), I have unlocked 19/23 cheats. My remaining four to unlock are:

Silver PP7 (Train 00A - 8 Seconds)
Invincibility (Facility 00A - 59 Seconds)
2xRC-P90 (Caverns 00A - 1m 57s)
Invisibility (Archives 00A - 3m 36s)

Contact details

On the map

Interesting facts

Dave Claes is currently 31 years old.

Dave Claes uses the 1.1 control style.

Dave Claes uses a PAL console.

Dave Claes's country: United Kingdom.

Joined The-Elite:
31 May 2020.

Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
1 July 2020.

Gamer stats

point rank
with 0 points
time rank
with 3:16:56