David J
About David J
My name is David Jones 20 years old and an avid gamer of all generations. I stream lots of goldeneye just trying to get pb's and occasional records!
Interesting facts
David J is currently 26 years old.
David J uses the 1.2 control style.
David J uses both NTSC and PAL consoles.
David J's country: United Kingdom.
Joined The-Elite:
5 April 2019.
Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
5 April 2019.
Gamer stats
point rank
point rank
time rank
time rank
Latest times
2020-03-09: Bunker 1 - 00A - 1:25
2020-03-09: Bunker 1 - 00A - 1:27
2019-12-12: Facility - A - 0:56
2019-10-13: Silo - SA - 1:51
2019-10-13: Surface 1 - SA - 2:04
2019-10-13: Surface 1 - A - 1:08
2019-10-09: Caverns - A - 1:06
2019-10-09: Facility - A - 0:57
2019-10-05: Aztec - A - 1:41
2019-09-05: Aztec - A - 1:49
2019-09-05: Aztec - A - 1:57
2019-09-04: Facility - A - 0:59
2019-07-04: Depot - A - 0:27
2019-07-04: Silo - A - 1:17
2019-07-04: Silo - A - 1:18