On the map
Interesting facts
FALL's real name is Asahi Hirano.
FALL is currently 18 years old.
FALL uses the 1.2 control style.
FALL uses Upright.
FALL prefers Full.
FALL uses both NTSC and PAL consoles.
FALL's country: Japan.
Joined The-Elite:
20 May 2021.
Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
20 May 2021.
Joined the Perfect Dark rankings:
20 May 2021.
Gamer stats
point rank
point rank
time rank
time rank
Perfect Dark
point rank
point rank
Perfect Dark
time rank
time rank
Latest times
2024-09-11: Chicago - SA - 0:24
2024-08-06: Maian SOS - PA - 1:58
2024-07-14: CI - A - 0:44
2024-06-27: Deep Sea - SA - 2:55
2024-06-09: Attack Ship - PA - 3:07
2024-05-27: Investigation - SA - 1:58
2024-05-12: Crash Site - SA - 1:24
2024-05-12: Duel - PA - 0:09
2024-05-12: Duel - SA - 0:06
2024-04-24: Pelagic II - SA - 1:42
2024-04-22: Infiltration - A - 0:59
2024-04-20: Rescue - PA - 2:31
2024-04-15: Rescue - SA - 2:14
2024-04-15: Deep Sea - PA - 3:05
2024-04-13: Crash Site - A - 1:13