On the map
Interesting facts
Graslu00's real name is Javier G..
Graslu00 is currently 26 years old.
Graslu00 uses the 1.2 control style.
Graslu00 uses an NTSC console.
Graslu00's country: Spain.
Joined The-Elite:
5 May 2023.
Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
5 May 2023.
Gamer stats
point rank
point rank
time rank
time rank
Latest times
2023-05-12: Facility - LTK - 1:34
2023-05-12: any% - 24:59
2023-05-11: Facility - DLTK - 2:12
2023-05-10: Bunker 2 - A - 0:25
2023-05-10: Egypt - LTK - 1:37
2023-05-09: any% - 26:02
2023-05-05: Aztec - LTK - 6:03
2023-05-05: Cradle - LTK - 1:04
2023-05-05: Caverns - LTK - 7:58
2023-05-05: Control - LTK - 7:48
2023-05-05: Jungle - LTK - 6:29
2023-05-05: Train - LTK - 5:19
2023-05-05: Facility - DLTK - 4:29
2023-04-30: Depot - LTK - 2:20
2023-04-30: Archives - LTK - 1:45