About ImmatureIdiot
I'm from Dayton, Ohio and have been playing Goldeneye since 1998.
On the map
Interesting facts
ImmatureIdiot's real name is Michael Westendorf.
ImmatureIdiot is currently 34 years old.
ImmatureIdiot uses the 1.2 control style.
ImmatureIdiot uses an NTSC console.
ImmatureIdiot's country: United States of America.
Joined The-Elite:
2 September 2018.
Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
2 September 2018.
Gamer stats
point rank
point rank
time rank
time rank
Latest times
2019-11-23: Runway - 00A - 0:40
2019-11-23: Cradle - A - 0:51
2019-11-23: Cradle - 00A - 0:51
2019-11-23: Archives - SA - 1:01
2019-11-23: Surface 2 - 00A - 1:56
2019-11-23: Surface 1 - 00A - 1:58
2019-11-23: Jungle - 00A - 2:04
2019-11-22: Cradle - 00A - 0:57
2019-11-22: Cradle - SA - 0:52
2019-11-22: Jungle - SA - 1:35
2019-11-22: Archives - A - 0:17
2019-11-22: Jungle - A - 1:08
2019-11-22: Dam - 00A - 2:18
2019-11-22: Runway - 00A - 0:41
2019-11-22: Runway - 00A - 0:42