Joseph Tahan's GoldenEye Times

Stage Agent Secret Agent 00 Agent
0:53 / 94 pts / 4th
N/A (812th) N/A (671st)
0:49 / 0 pts / 163rd
0:58 / 0 pts / 109th
0:59 / 0 pts / 116th
0:22 / 94 pts / 4th
0:23 / 35 pts / 63rd
0:39 / 33 pts / 65th
Surface 1 N/A (933rd) N/A (702nd) N/A (658th)
Bunker 1
0:17 / 80 pts / 18th
N/A (703rd) N/A (609th)
Silo N/A (853rd) N/A (626th) N/A (589th)
0:26 / 0 pts / 170th
N/A (653rd) N/A (609th)
Surface 2
0:49 / 0 pts / 118th
0:53 / 35 pts / 63rd
N/A (606th)
Bunker 2 N/A (864th) N/A (608th) N/A (565th)
Statue N/A (783rd) N/A (664th) N/A (652nd)
0:16 / 89 pts / 9th
N/A (659th) N/A (655th)
1:13 / 34 pts / 64th
N/A (679th) N/A (645th)
Depot N/A (919th) N/A (650th) N/A (591st)
Train N/A (781st) N/A (595th) N/A (568th)
Jungle N/A (720th) N/A (573rd) N/A (546th)
Control N/A (715th) N/A (581st) N/A (554th)
1:02 / 30 pts / 68th
1:22 / 54 pts / 44th
1:39 / 43 pts / 55th
0:34 / 38 pts / 60th
0:35 / 33 pts / 65th
0:35 / 37 pts / 61st
1:31 / 17 pts / 81st
N/A (564th) N/A (558th)
Egypt N/A (650th) N/A (577th) N/A (580th)
Totals 3:08:12 / 476 pts 5:04:11 / 157 pts 5:23:52 / 113 pts
Sum of Ranks / Average Rank 7977 / 398.85 9990 / 499.50 9953 / 497.65

Overall Combined Time: 13:36:15 (723rd)

Overall Combined Points: 746 points (160th)

Overall Sum of Ranks: 27920 (458th)

Average Rank: 465.33 (458th)