Pelagic II Agent 0:52 by June X.
Video not available
  • Achieved: 6 June 2019
  • Posted: 6 June 2019 at 3:19 am EDT
  • System: NTSC
  • Points when achieved: 49
  • Rank: N/A - June X. has improved this time

Player's comments:
I go through my day fairly normal like
I'm a normal guy
I'm a swell guy
i'm a nice enough guy
I'm a cool kinda guy
I'm a pretty goofy guy
But then I get a little sugar in me
And I start to go cuckoo

Doesn't have to be much
This time around it was just two or five or one brownies
Only 90 calories each
But they do the job, do ya know what I'm saying?

They get me going
They get me riled up
A little cuckoo
A little wacky

Start getting me a little kooky
A little
ya know

Hey somebod
Somebody put this kid in a padded cell
Give 'im a straitjacket
He's going a little wacky
Going a little kooky
Going off the walls

June X.'s time history for Pelagic II Agent

Date Achieved Time Proof System
12 February 2024 Video NTSC
31 January 2024 Video NTSC
6 June 2019 Video NTSC
6 June 2019 Comments NTSC
6 June 2019 Comments NTSC

See also: