Train Secret Agent 1:32 by June X.

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  • Achieved: 1 December 2020
  • Posted: 1 December 2020 at 6:11 pm EST
  • System: NTSC-J
  • Points when achieved: 62
  • Rank: 54th (44 points)

Player's comments:
I’d like to start this talk off with a parable. A story if you will. I was at a college, a second tier, not an ivy league school, a second choice school, and I was in a class. And there was a student in that class, okay? And the, the teacher, he was spouting some horrible non-sense, about how, it was something about how women’s rights are not legitimate, something that everybody knew was false, but if anybody had spoken up, he would’ve taken extreme joy in failing them. Okay? Nobody spoke up. One person raised his voice. Once person started talking. The teacher couldn’t believe it, the classroom couldn’t believe it either. But in the end, he had logic on his side. And at the end of the day, he proved his point. That student was Albert Einstein.

June X.'s time history for Train Secret Agent

Date Achieved Time Proof System
1 December 2020 Video NTSC-J
2 June 2019 Video NTSC-J
2 June 2019 Comments NTSC-J
2 June 2019 NTSC-J

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