Kåre Bunlar Jacobsen
On the map
Interesting facts
Kåre Bunlar Jacobsen is currently 35 years old.
Kåre Bunlar Jacobsen uses the 1.2 control style.
Kåre Bunlar Jacobsen uses a PAL console.
Kåre Bunlar Jacobsen's country: Norway.
Joined The-Elite:
17 June 2017.
Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
18 June 2017.
Gamer stats
point rank
point rank
time rank
time rank
Latest times
2017-06-19: Train - A - 2:05
2017-06-19: Depot - A - 0:36
2017-06-19: Depot - A - 0:39
2017-06-19: Streets - A - 1:29
2017-06-19: Archives - A - 0:36
2017-06-19: Statue - A - 3:08
2017-06-16: Frigate - A - 0:45