Valentin Marie's GoldenEye Times

Stage Agent Secret Agent 00 Agent
0:55 / 0 pts / 531st
1:25 / 0 pts / 288th
2:09 / 0 pts / 164th
Facility N/A (956th) N/A (701st) N/A (673rd)
0:24 / 0 pts / 478th
0:24 / 0 pts / 243rd
0:43 / 0 pts / 266th
Surface 1
1:09 / 0 pts / 398th
1:57 / 0 pts / 243rd
1:57 / 0 pts / 220th
Bunker 1
0:19 / 0 pts / 448th
0:33 / 0 pts / 269th
1:25 / 0 pts / 200th
1:20 / 0 pts / 299th
1:35 / 0 pts / 217th
2:02 / 0 pts / 170th
Frigate N/A (890th) N/A (651st) N/A (609th)
Surface 2
0:56 / 0 pts / 291st
0:59 / 0 pts / 224th
1:42 / 0 pts / 146th
Bunker 2
0:28 / 0 pts / 287th
1:09 / 0 pts / 200th
1:27 / 0 pts / 165th
Statue N/A (780th) N/A (661st) N/A (650th)
0:20 / 0 pts / 459th
1:03 / 0 pts / 290th
1:02 / 0 pts / 264th
1:15 / 0 pts / 279th
1:58 / 0 pts / 218th
1:58 / 0 pts / 201st
0:28 / 0 pts / 369th
0:52 / 0 pts / 273rd
N/A (591st)
1:24 / 0 pts / 239th
1:51 / 0 pts / 161st
2:19 / 0 pts / 128th
1:05 / 0 pts / 258th
1:16 / 0 pts / 168th
1:23 / 0 pts / 143rd
Control N/A (715th) N/A (582nd) N/A (555th)
1:05 / 0 pts / 288th
1:37 / 0 pts / 167th
N/A (549th)
Cradle N/A (777th) N/A (635th) N/A (624th)
Aztec N/A (650th) N/A (564th) N/A (558th)
0:57 / 0 pts / 312th
0:58 / 0 pts / 235th
1:00 / 0 pts / 263rd
Totals 2:12:05 / 0 pts 2:17:37 / 0 pts 2:59:07 / 0 pts
Sum of Ranks / Average Rank 9704 / 485.20 6990 / 349.50 7139 / 356.95

Overall Combined Time: 7:28:49 (585th)

Overall Combined Points: 0 points (356th)

Overall Sum of Ranks: 23833 (374th)

Average Rank: 397.22 (374th)