Interesting facts
Nublets's real name is Clay Kitchens.
Nublets is currently 33 years old.
Nublets uses the 1.2 control style.
Nublets uses an NTSC console.
Nublets's country: United States of America.
Joined The-Elite:
13 September 2019.
Joined the Perfect Dark rankings:
13 September 2019.
Gamer stats
Perfect Dark
point rank
point rank
Perfect Dark
time rank
time rank
Latest times
2019-09-17: Defection - A - 0:07
2019-09-15: Defection - A - 0:08
2019-09-15: Defection - A - 0:10
2019-09-15: Defection - A - 0:16
2019-09-14: Duel - A - 0:03
Date unknown: Duel - PA - 0:20
Date unknown: Duel - SA - 0:17
Date unknown: Duel - A - 0:05
Date unknown: MBR - A - 9:11
Date unknown: Skedar Ruins - A - 7:57
Date unknown: Attack Ship - SA - 10:28
Date unknown: Attack Ship - A - 19:16
Date unknown: CI - SA - 6:10
Date unknown: CI - A - 4:49
Date unknown: Deep Sea - SA - 10:06