Contact details
On the map
Interesting facts
P0NGISTE's real name is Nicolas Royet.
P0NGISTE is currently 42 years old.
P0NGISTE uses the 1.2 control style.
P0NGISTE uses both NTSC and PAL consoles.
P0NGISTE's country: France.
Joined The-Elite:
1 October 2014.
Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
2 October 2014.
Gamer stats
point rank
point rank
time rank
time rank
Latest times
2016-12-29: Archives - SA - 0:59
2016-12-25: Statue - SA - 2:26
2016-12-23: Archives - SA - 1:02
2016-12-23: Statue - SA - 2:27
2016-12-20: Statue - SA - 2:29
2016-12-19: Statue - SA - 2:31
2016-12-18: Bunker 1 - SA - 0:29
2016-12-14: Bunker 1 - SA - 0:31
2016-12-14: Streets - SA - 1:58
2016-12-12: Streets - SA - 1:59
2016-12-10: Surface 2 - SA - 0:59
2016-12-08: Surface 2 - SA - 1:03
2016-12-05: Surface 2 - SA - 1:05
2016-12-04: Surface 2 - SA - 1:06
2016-12-04: Runway - SA - 0:24