Peter Linck
About Peter Linck
Baby steps.
On the map
Interesting facts
Peter Linck uses the 1.2 control style.
Peter Linck uses an NTSC console.
Peter Linck's country: United States of America.
Joined The-Elite:
23 October 2016.
Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
26 October 2016.
Gamer stats
point rank
point rank
time rank
time rank
Latest times
2018-08-24: Train - A - 1:22
2018-08-24: Facility - SA - 1:01
2018-08-24: Dam - SA - 1:24
2018-06-21: Frigate - 00A - 1:19
2018-05-29: Control - A - 4:03
2018-05-22: Facility - A - 0:49
2018-04-18: Surface 1 - A - 1:05
2018-04-02: Aztec - A - 1:47
2018-03-29: Aztec - A - 1:50
2018-03-27: Aztec - A - 1:53
2018-02-08: Control - A - 4:06
2018-02-03: Depot - A - 0:26
2018-01-30: Facility - A - 0:50
2018-01-27: Archives - 00A - 0:56
2018-01-24: Archives - SA - 0:56