Rio Hodgson

About Rio Hodgson

hi, my name is Rio and I'm 13 years old I've only start playing about a year ago. my Times are not the best but they will improve when I play and grind more often. I don't play alien finger or keyboard I play with my left hand on the left handle with my right hand on the middle handle using my right thumb to look around and my index finger uses both B, A and the start button. People may say its not the most efficient but its the most comfortable for me

Interesting facts

Rio Hodgson uses the 1.2 control style.

Rio Hodgson uses a PAL console.

Rio Hodgson's country: United Kingdom.

Joined The-Elite:
8 September 2022.

Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
10 May 2023.

Gamer stats

point rank
with 0 points
time rank
with 18:23:12

Latest times