Rob Canfield
Interesting facts
Rob Canfield's country: United States of America.
Joined The-Elite:
2 February 2020.
Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
6 July 2020.
Gamer stats
point rank
point rank
time rank
time rank
Latest times
2021-01-24: Surface 1 - A - 1:25
2021-01-23: Bunker 1 - A - 0:25
2021-01-23: Bunker 1 - A - 0:30
2021-01-23: Bunker 1 - A - 0:32
2021-01-23: Facility - A - 1:15
2021-01-17: Facility - A - 1:18
2020-12-30: Facility - SA - 2:44
2020-12-30: Facility - A - 1:20
2020-12-30: Facility - A - 1:24
2020-07-13: Dam - A - 0:58
2020-07-12: Frigate - A - 0:56
2020-07-12: Surface 1 - A - 1:37
2020-07-12: Facility - A - 1:38
2020-07-12: Facility - A - 1:58
2020-07-12: Dam - A - 0:59