Simon Niks
About Simon Niks
Casually playing GE with my brothers, trying to improve our PB's.
On the map
Interesting facts
Simon Niks is currently 35 years old.
Simon Niks uses the 1.2 control style.
Simon Niks uses a PAL console.
Simon Niks's country: Netherlands.
Joined The-Elite:
18 October 2019.
Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
19 October 2019.
Gamer stats
point rank
point rank
time rank
time rank
Latest times
2024-01-26: Facility - SA - 1:00
2023-10-04: Egypt - A - 0:59
2023-10-04: Egypt - 00A - 0:58
2023-10-04: Egypt - SA - 1:00
2023-10-03: Egypt - A - 1:06
2023-10-03: Cradle - 00A - 0:40
2023-10-03: Aztec - 00A - 6:51
2023-09-28: Caverns - 00A - 9:45
2023-09-19: Streets - 00A - 1:56
2023-09-03: Streets - 00A - 1:57
2023-09-01: Streets - SA - 1:56
2023-06-07: Cradle - SA - 0:37
2023-06-06: Cradle - A - 0:35
2023-06-05: Archives - SA - 0:56
2023-05-30: Silo - A - 1:07