About Spagooda
Peaked at #2 ranked Discord admin.
Interesting facts
Spagooda's real name is John H.
Spagooda is currently 35 years old.
Spagooda uses the 1.2 control style.
Spagooda uses an NTSC console.
Spagooda's country: United States of America.
Joined The-Elite:
23 January 2015.
Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
23 January 2015.
Joined the Perfect Dark rankings:
2 February 2019.
Gamer stats
point rank
point rank
time rank
time rank
Perfect Dark
point rank
point rank
Perfect Dark
time rank
time rank
Latest times
2021-08-05: Bunker 2 - A - 0:23
2020-06-15: MBR - PA - 1:30
2020-06-15: MBR - A - 1:24
2020-06-12: Rescue - SA - 2:25
2020-06-06: Chicago - PA - 0:32
2020-06-01: Statue - A - 2:21
2020-06-01: Investigation - A - 1:09
2020-05-29: Rescue - SA - 2:26
2020-01-17: Investigation - A - 1:13
2020-01-17: Investigation - A - 1:17
2020-01-15: Rescue - PA - 3:18
2019-10-24: Facility - LTK - 7:43
2019-06-06: Pelagic II - A - 0:50
2019-06-02: Rescue - A - 1:32
2019-06-02: Infiltration - A - 1:12