Crash Site Perfect Agent 3:04 by TheIrishBub
Video not available
  • Achieved: 31 May 2024
  • Posted: 31 May 2024 at 9:45 am EDT
  • System: NTSC
  • Points when achieved: 0
  • Rank: 191st (0 points)
  • Used control styles: 1.2
  • Used screen settings: Wide

Player's comments:
Actually first try?

The pause at the start is because when I played this on the PC port recently, I took out both guards for safety. I forgot about taking out the second one, and debated restarting, but I decided to keep going. I ended up with a 1 minute PB as a result! lol
(As an aside, my PC port PB was 3:36, so I even destroyed that)

TheIrishBub's time history for Crash Site Perfect Agent

Date Achieved Time Proof System
31 May 2024 Comments NTSC
16 February 2021 Video NTSC

See also: