
About ZeroIzayoi

Hey, I'm Zero Izayoi, but call me Zero. I've recently started speedrunning Perfect Dark, a game I've spent countless hours on since I was about 8. For now, I'm only running on Agent, but I will spread out to SA and PA, as well as Goldeneye eventually.

I stream HERE:

Contact details

On the map

Interesting facts

ZeroIzayoi's real name is Eric.

ZeroIzayoi uses the 1.1 control style.

ZeroIzayoi uses an NTSC console.

ZeroIzayoi's country: Canada.

Joined The-Elite:
12 August 2013.

Joined the Perfect Dark rankings:
14 September 2013.

Gamer stats

Perfect Dark
point rank
with 0 points
Perfect Dark
time rank
with 14:33:29