James Riley's GoldenEye Times

Stage Agent Secret Agent 00 Agent
0:54 / 0 pts / 257th
1:26 / 0 pts / 339th
N/A (671st)
0:54 / 0 pts / 320th
N/A (701st) N/A (673rd)
0:23 / 0 pts / 200th
0:24 / 0 pts / 243rd
N/A (675th)
Surface 1 N/A (931st) N/A (701st) N/A (657th)
Bunker 1
0:19 / 0 pts / 448th
N/A (702nd) N/A (609th)
Silo N/A (852nd) N/A (626th) N/A (590th)
Frigate N/A (892nd) N/A (652nd) N/A (609th)
Surface 2
0:56 / 0 pts / 291st
N/A (662nd) N/A (604th)
Bunker 2
0:30 / 0 pts / 374th
N/A (606th) N/A (564th)
2:47 / 0 pts / 523rd
2:41 / 0 pts / 394th
N/A (651st)
0:24 / 0 pts / 681st
N/A (659th) N/A (654th)
1:14 / 0 pts / 159th
1:58 / 0 pts / 219th
N/A (644th)
0:28 / 0 pts / 371st
N/A (649th) N/A (592nd)
Train N/A (780th) N/A (593rd) N/A (567th)
Jungle N/A (719th) N/A (573rd) N/A (545th)
Control N/A (715th) N/A (582nd) N/A (555th)
1:06 / 0 pts / 362nd
N/A (570th) N/A (549th)
0:51 / 0 pts / 453rd
0:55 / 0 pts / 404th
N/A (626th)
Aztec N/A (650th) N/A (564th) N/A (558th)
Egypt N/A (651st) N/A (578th) N/A (581st)
Totals 2:50:46 / 0 pts 5:07:24 / 0 pts 6:40:00 / 0 pts
Sum of Ranks / Average Rank 10629 / 531.45 11017 / 550.85 12174 / 608.70

Overall Combined Time: 14:38:10 (775th)

Overall Combined Points: 0 points (356th)

Overall Sum of Ranks: 33820 (628th)

Average Rank: 563.67 (628th)