Interesting facts
s1deburns's real name is Chris Hull.
s1deburns uses the 1.2 control style.
s1deburns uses an NTSC console.
s1deburns's country: United States of America.
Joined The-Elite:
24 June 2017.
Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
24 June 2017.
Gamer stats
point rank
point rank
time rank
time rank
Latest times
2018-10-14: Caverns - A - 1:07
2018-10-13: Caverns - A - 1:08
2018-10-12: Archives - A - 0:25
2018-10-10: Train - A - 2:07
2018-10-09: Surface 2 - A - 0:58
2018-10-08: Cradle - A - 0:57
2018-10-07: Bunker 1 - A - 0:19
2018-10-06: Runway - A - 0:25
2018-10-05: Frigate - A - 0:38
2018-10-04: Facility - A - 1:16
2018-10-02: Depot - A - 0:30
2018-10-01: Surface 1 - A - 1:15
2018-09-30: Caverns - A - 1:09
2018-09-30: Bunker 1 - A - 0:21
2017-07-03: Silo - A - 1:34