
About sirlimpy

First point achieved on Caverns 00 17 September 2018.

Top 100 times in GE achieved 28 October 2018

Spent a few hours overall on PD,

First PD points achieved on Investigation Agent 27 November 2018

Top 100 times in PD achieved 03 June 2021

GE highest 79th on time

owed joke 208 by Sammo on 10 June 2021. Received and honestly, wasn't worth the wait.

On the map

Interesting facts

sirlimpy's real name is Ben Dimelow.

sirlimpy uses the 1.2 control style.

sirlimpy uses both NTSC and PAL consoles.

sirlimpy's country: United Kingdom.

Joined The-Elite:
9 August 2017.

Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
6 September 2017.

Joined the Perfect Dark rankings:
27 November 2018.

Gamer stats

point rank
with 13 points
time rank
with 1:23:35
Perfect Dark
point rank
with 420 points
Perfect Dark
time rank
with 1:58:57