
About zaneigans210

Getting back into the swings of things after 15 + Years away. Slow grind though, I can't commit the time used to have to this game anymore only playing a couple of hours a day at best. It will come but may take time. Hoping to get total time Sub 2hrs as a first good goal. Control and caverns 00 reductions will help with that.

Joined Elite - 29/04/19

First Times Submitted - 3/5/19

Full Times Page - 20/06/19

First Points Time Entered - 20/06/19 ( Aztec 00 )

< 03:00:00:00 17/10/19

On the map

Interesting facts

zaneigans210's real name is Christopher Dawson.

zaneigans210 is currently 39 years old.

zaneigans210 uses the 1.2 control style.

zaneigans210 uses both NTSC and PAL consoles.

zaneigans210's country: Australia.

Joined The-Elite:
29 April 2019.

Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
2 May 2019.

Joined the Perfect Dark rankings:
17 March 2020.

Gamer stats

point rank
with 0 points
time rank
with 2:23:42
Perfect Dark
point rank
with 0 points
Perfect Dark
time rank
with 21:00:00