Silo Agent 0:59 by Marc Rützou

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  • Achieved: 1 July 2019
  • Posted: 1 July 2019 at 7:33 pm EDT
  • System: NTSC-J
  • Points when achieved: Untied World Record when set!
  • Rank: 1st (100 points)
  • Used control styles: 1.2
  • Used screen settings: Wide

Player's comments:
Additional media:
  1. The Silo Agent 0:59 reveal
    The Silo Agent 0:59 reveal

Marc Rützou's time history for Silo Agent

Date Achieved Time Proof System
1 July 2019 Video NTSC-J
Unknown Comments NTSC-J
2 October 2014 Video NTSC
22 October 2014 Video NTSC-J
10 September 2011 Video NTSC
7 May 2012 Comments NTSC-J
9 February 2010 NTSC
10 February 2010 Video PAL
25 November 2009 Video NTSC
23 September 2009 Video PAL
9 August 2009 Video PAL
6 August 2009 PAL
2 August 2009 PAL
9 July 2009 PAL
Unknown PAL

See also: