Hump Clarence
Interesting facts
Hump Clarence's real name is Corey Doherty.
Hump Clarence uses the 1.2 control style.
Hump Clarence uses both NTSC and PAL consoles.
Hump Clarence's country: United Kingdom.
Joined The-Elite:
6 August 2019.
Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
6 August 2019.
Joined the Perfect Dark rankings:
7 April 2020.
Gamer stats
point rank
point rank
time rank
time rank
Perfect Dark
point rank
point rank
Perfect Dark
time rank
time rank
Latest times
2020-09-27: Surface 2 - SA - 0:54
2020-07-28: Depot - A - 0:24
2020-07-27: Aztec - A - 1:31
2020-05-13: Aztec - 00A - 1:50
2020-05-05: Aztec - 00A - 1:52
2020-04-24: Aztec - SA - 1:41
2020-04-21: Aztec - SA - 1:47
2020-04-19: Crash Site - A - 1:19
2020-04-18: Crash Site - A - 1:20
2020-04-15: Investigation - SA - 2:11
2020-04-13: Defection - SA - 0:37
2020-04-07: Defection - A - 0:06
2020-02-22: Train - A - 1:07
2020-02-13: Train - SA - 1:35
2020-02-06: Statue - A - 2:22