Kev B.

About Kev B.

Air Force One WR Sweep 12/22/18
PD Top 20 6/21/19
PD Top 10 9/21/19
Escape SA 3:09 (2s Untied WR) 12/15/19
Escape PA 3:13 (1s Untied WR) 2/20/20
Escape WR Sweep 2/20/20
Escape SA 3:08 (1s Untied WR) 7/13/20
Escape PA 3:10 (2s Untied WR) 7/13/20
Escape WR Resweep 7/13/20

On the map

Interesting facts

Kev B. uses the 1.2 control style.

Kev B. uses both NTSC and PAL consoles.

Kev B.'s country: United States of America.

Joined The-Elite:
18 July 2017.

Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
18 July 2017.

Joined the Perfect Dark rankings:
17 November 2017.

Gamer stats

point rank
with 830 points
time rank
with 8:52:20
Perfect Dark
point rank
with 4779 points
Perfect Dark
time rank
with 1:31:37