Robert Rune

About Robert Rune

All my times were achieved using 1.2 control style.
Only PAL times (sadly).

Currently focusing on time ranks, trying to get most of my times in top 150 ( or better if is not too hard).

Don't like long grinds on a single level so i switch very often between them.I found out that is the only way to not get bored too quickly.

I record my videos with a videocamera and not with a webcam.I also have videos for most of my records but i rarelly upload them (unless i'm really happy with a time, is worth points or if i'm asked).

I don't set too ambitious goals in general and this thing makes things less frustrating,even if the the cost is a slower progression.

On the map

Interesting facts

Robert Rune uses the 1.2 control style.

Robert Rune uses a PAL console.

Robert Rune's country: Italy.

Joined The-Elite:
12 August 2013.

Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
26 August 2013.

Gamer stats

point rank
with 0 points
time rank
with 1:30:42