Interesting facts
Taggo's real name is Joakim E..
Taggo is currently 26 years old.
Taggo uses the 1.2 control style.
Taggo uses an NTSC console.
Taggo's country: Sweden.
Joined The-Elite:
3 February 2022.
Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
23 February 2022.
Gamer stats
point rank
point rank
time rank
time rank
Latest times
2023-11-19: Egypt - SA - 0:49
2023-11-18: Egypt - 00A - 0:51
2023-11-18: Egypt - SA - 0:52
2023-11-18: Egypt - SA - 0:53
2023-11-13: Egypt - A - 0:50
2023-11-13: Egypt - 00A - 0:53
2023-11-13: Egypt - SA - 0:54
2023-11-13: Egypt - A - 0:51
2023-07-29: Silo - SA - 1:38
2023-07-29: Silo - A - 1:16
2023-07-29: Silo - A - 1:18
2023-07-25: Statue - A - 2:29
2023-07-25: Statue - SA - 2:24
2023-07-25: Statue - A - 2:30
2023-07-25: Statue - A - 2:32