Matthew Franzen's GoldenEye Times

Stage Agent Secret Agent 00 Agent
0:53 / 94 pts / 4th
1:19 / 34 pts / 64th
N/A (671st)
Facility N/A (956th) N/A (701st) N/A (673rd)
0:22 / 94 pts / 4th
0:23 / 37 pts / 61st
0:39 / 37 pts / 61st
Surface 1
1:03 / 28 pts / 70th
1:51 / 7 pts / 91st
1:51 / 17 pts / 81st
Bunker 1
0:17 / 82 pts / 16th
0:25 / 5 pts / 93rd
1:11 / 13 pts / 85th
1:06 / 1 pts / 97th
N/A (626th) N/A (590th)
0:23 / 87 pts / 11th
1:06 / 17 pts / 81st
1:14 / 2 pts / 96th
Surface 2
0:47 / 56 pts / 42nd
0:53 / 37 pts / 61st
1:36 / 0 pts / 101st
Bunker 2
0:21 / 81 pts / 17th
0:52 / 19 pts / 79th
N/A (564th)
2:21 / 18 pts / 80th
2:20 / 32 pts / 66th
2:20 / 29 pts / 69th
0:16 / 89 pts / 9th
0:55 / 43 pts / 55th
0:55 / 44 pts / 54th
1:13 / 34 pts / 64th
1:55 / 92 pts / 6th
1:55 / 91 pts / 7th
0:23 / 100 pts / 1st
0:42 / 16 pts / 82nd
0:51 / 21 pts / 77th
Train N/A (779th) N/A (593rd) N/A (567th)
Jungle N/A (719th) N/A (573rd) N/A (545th)
Control N/A (715th) N/A (582nd) N/A (555th)
1:02 / 34 pts / 64th
N/A (570th) N/A (549th)
0:33 / 100 pts / 1st
0:34 / 69 pts / 29th
0:34 / 70 pts / 28th
1:34 / 0 pts / 115th
N/A (564th) N/A (558th)
Egypt N/A (650th) N/A (577th) N/A (580th)
Totals 1:52:34 / 898 pts 2:53:15 / 408 pts 3:33:06 / 324 pts
Sum of Ranks / Average Rank 4414 / 220.70 5554 / 277.70 6511 / 325.55

Overall Combined Time: 8:18:55 (609th)

Overall Combined Points: 1630 points (100th)

Overall Sum of Ranks: 16479 (239th)

Average Rank: 274.65 (239th)