
About Wolverbear

I joined The Elite in the summer of 2017 after picking the game back up. I achieved my first points on 12/3/17 with a Frigate - Agent 0:26 run.

Besides GoldenEye, I also collect/play NES games along with Sega Genesis and the original GameBoy.

Definition of casual.

**Cervical spine surgery Aug 2022 to relieve pressure on my spinal cord at C4 & C5. Using a return to GoldenEye speedrunning daily as a therapy to help with fine motor use of my hands while regaining feeling in both hands. My goal is to log at least 100 points over the next few months while rehabbing. Will update when achieved.**

Rehab PB Goals:

Sub 2:00 Aztec SA -
Dam A 53 -
100 points -
Videos For All PBs -
more to be added..

Interesting facts

Wolverbear's real name is Russ Wharff.

Wolverbear is currently 41 years old.

Wolverbear uses the 1.2 control style.

Wolverbear uses an NTSC console.

Wolverbear's country: United States of America.

Joined The-Elite:
23 September 2017.

Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
23 September 2017.

Joined the Perfect Dark rankings:
21 January 2019.

Gamer stats

point rank
with 0 points
time rank
with 1:48:05
Perfect Dark
point rank
with 0 points
Perfect Dark
time rank
with 18:36:10