dsx's achievements

Achievements are checked and distributed daily. Once an achievement has been earned it cannot be lost.

dsx has 61 achievements.




4 May 2024
Post PRs 10 years apart
Both Games
World Record Holder
15 July 2014
Obtain a world record
Either Game
23 June 2017
Obtain 300 points on a single stage
Either Game
Top 25
25 July 2015
Be ranked 25th or better in either game
Either Game
Top 50
15 November 2014
Be ranked 50th or better in either game
Either Game
Top 100
22 August 2014
Be ranked 100th or better in either game
Either Game
Not a Noob
13 May 2015
Submit all times for either game
Either Game
2 May 2016
Have videos for all PRs in either game
Either Game
Double The Fun
6 June 2015
Join the rankings for both games
Both Games
System UWR
23 October 2024
System Untied World Record Holder
Either Game
System WR
23 October 2024
System World Record Holder
Either Game
Fall Off the Building
17 September 2023
Achieve a time of 6 seconds or better on Defection
Perfect Dark
Boring 4
11 February 2015
Achieve Dam Agent 0:53, Runway Agent 0:22, Bunker 1 Agent 0:17, and Archives Agent 0:16
Boring 4 PTR
1 August 2014
Achieve Dam Agent 0:54, Runway Agent 0:23, Bunker 1 Agent 0:18, and Archives Agent 0:17
Me and Marc Rutzou
3 September 2016
Achieve Streets Agent 1:12 (or better), an MR RL time
Duel WR
25 August 2016
Achieve Duel Agent 0:03, Special Agent 0:06, or Perfect Agent 0:09
Perfect Dark
Single Segment Run
29 May 2014
Submit any single segment run
Either Game
Goldeneye 1:13
23 October 2024
Complete every stage in Goldeneye on Agent, Secret Agent, and 00 Agent difficulties and have combined time for Agent, Secret Agent, and 00 Agent of 1:13:59 or better
There are 4 other similar achievements.
Goldeneye Agent "19" club
23 October 2024
Complete every stage in Goldeneye on Agent difficulty and have combined time for Agent of 19:59 or better
There are 7 other similar achievements.
Goldeneye Secret Agent "25" club
23 October 2024
Complete every stage in Goldeneye on Secret Agent difficulty and have combined time for Secret Agent of 25:59 or better
There are 7 other similar achievements.
Goldeneye 00 Agent "28" club
23 October 2024
Complete every stage in Goldeneye on 00 Agent difficulty and have combined time for 00 Agent of 28:59 or better
There are 12 other similar achievements.
Summer League 2014
1 August 2014
Participate in The Elite GE/PD Summer League 2014
Either Game
Summer League
Summer League 2015
1 August 2015
Participate in The Elite GE/PD Summer League 2015
Either Game
Summer League
Summer League Winner 2015
1 August 2015
Winning team member in The Elite GE/PD Summer League 2015
Either Game
Summer League
Summer League 2016
1 August 2016
Participate in The Elite GE/PD Summer League 2016
Either Game
Summer League
Summer League 2017
1 August 2017
Participate in The Elite GE/PD Summer League 2017
Either Game
Summer League
Summer League 2018
1 August 2018
Participate in The Elite GE/PD Summer League 2018
Either Game
Summer League
Summer League 2021
1 August 2021
Participate in The Elite GE/PD Summer League 2021
Either Game
Summer League
Summer League 2024
1 September 2024
Participate in The Elite GE/PD Summer League 2024
Either Game
Summer League
GE Match Play Cup 2021
1 May 2021
Participate in The Elite Goldeneye Match Play Cup 2021
Match Play Cup
GE Match Play Cup 2022
1 May 2022
Participate in The Elite Goldeneye Match Play Cup 2022
Match Play Cup


Popular Leader
Appear on all leaderboards for either game
Either Game
Top 10
Be ranked 10th or better in either game
Either Game
In The Zone
Be ranked 5th or better in either game
Either Game
On The Podium
Be ranked 3rd or better in either game
Either Game
Slay Untied World Record
Either Game
The 3:30 Club
Get rare time under 3:30:00
Both Games
The 3:00 Club
Get rare time under 3:00:00
Both Games
Chuck Norris
Hold every world record in either game
Either Game
The Big 10K
Get 10,000+ points between both games
Both Games
Above The Rest
Obtain an untied world record
Either Game
Untied Streaker
Obtain an untied streak on a single stage
Either Game
Be ranked 1st in either game
Either Game
Dual Champion
Be ranked 1st at both games
Both Games
System Slayer
Slay System Untied World Record
Either Game
Fantastic 4
Achieve Dam Agent 0:52, Runway Agent 0:21, Bunker 1 Agent 0:16, and Archives Agent 0:15
Duel True Ending
On all three systems, achieve Duel Agent 0:03, Special Agent 0:06, Perfect Agent 0:09. On any system, achieve Duel LTK 0:09, and DLTK 0:09
Perfect Dark
Goldeneye Single Segment
Submit single segment times for Goldeneye Agent, Secret Agent, and 00 Agent
Goldeneye Single Segment Completionist
Submit single segment times for Goldeneye Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent, 100%, and All 60
Perfect Dark Single Segment
Submit single segment times for Perfect Dark Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent
Perfect Dark
Single Segment Completionist
Submit single segment times for Goldeneye Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent, 100%, and All 60; and for Perfect Dark Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent
Both Games
Goldeneye 1:12
Complete every stage in Goldeneye on Agent, Secret Agent, and 00 Agent difficulties and have combined time for Agent, Secret Agent, and 00 Agent of 1:12:59 or better
Goldeneye Agent "18" club
Complete every stage in Goldeneye on Agent difficulty and have combined time for Agent of 18:59 or better
Goldeneye Secret Agent "24" club
Complete every stage in Goldeneye on Secret Agent difficulty and have combined time for Secret Agent of 24:59 or better
Goldeneye 00 Agent "27" club
Complete every stage in Goldeneye on 00 Agent difficulty and have combined time for 00 Agent of 27:59 or better
Perfect Dark Agent "30" club
Complete every stage in Perfect Dark on Agent difficulty and have combined time for Agent of 30:59 or better
Perfect Dark
Perfect Dark Special Agent "50" club
Complete every stage in Perfect Dark on Special Agent difficulty and have combined time for Special Agent of 50:59 or better
Perfect Dark
Perfect Dark Perfect Agent "55" club
Complete every stage in Perfect Dark on Perfect Agent difficulty and have combined time for Perfect Agent of 55:59 or better
Perfect Dark
Perfect Dark 2:00
Complete every stage in Perfect Dark on Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulties and have combined time for Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent of 2:00:59 or better
Perfect Dark
Goldeneye LTK 5
Complete 5 stages in Goldeneye on LTK difficulty
Perfect Dark LTK 5
Complete 5 stages in Perfect Dark on LTK difficulty
Perfect Dark
Goldeneye DLTK 6
Complete 6 stages in Goldeneye on DLTK difficulty
Perfect Dark DLTK 5
Complete 5 stages in Perfect Dark on DLTK difficulty
Perfect Dark
Goldeneye LTK Master
Complete all Goldeneye stages on LTK and DLTK difficulty
Perfect Dark LTK Master
Complete all Perfect Dark stages on LTK and DLTK difficulty
Perfect Dark
An MR / RL time. Me and Marc Rutzou, me and fucking Marc Rutzou. That's fucking right. I skipped 1:13. I am a fucking legend. I've never seen a 1:13 and I never fucking will. 1:12 baby, til the day I fucking die. YES! 'Bout time I get a fucking lucky break in this fucking game, motherfuckers, and I CLUTCHED the god damn grendade launcher. That's fucking right! Yeah it's this one. RIGHT HERE IT'S THIS ONE! My insane pace. Right here this is the 1:12 Right here--YES! This is fucking it. I'ma have to jus'-- I'ma have to find the actual whole vid off of it and I'ma have to get it. DUDE--WHAT A RUSH! WHAT A RUSH! Watch this, watch when I get the grendade launcher (sorry). Look at that, see how fast my pace is? RIGHT IN THE FUCKING HEAD! YEAH! GOT A FUCKING 1:12 BABY. That's right you see that clutchness? I AM FUCKING CLUTCH! Look at this fucking line I take. I'm like yeah baby, LET'S FUCKING DO THIS! I wait, I wait, I wait. Right when he starts firing to try to backboost me--the double. Body armor--TWO QUICK ONES. I already know I'm getting there on the perfect line. LOOK AT THE FUCKING PACE! FIFTY, FORTY-NINE. (mwh) FORTY SEVEN BABY! THAT'S FUCKING RIGHT! THAT'S FUCKING IT! Fucking PUMPED watching this one again! I waited the cinema too because I said, "Oh my god it might be 1:12!" AND IT FUCKING IS, IT FUCKING IS BABY! YEAH! Look at me typing to you guys, you guys didn't believe me. I'm typing a storm. DUDE I FUCKING JUST GOT streets 1:12 and it's not fucking coming off. YES--I FUCKING DID IT--THAT'S RIGHT! I SKIPPED 1:13--I'M A LEGEND. I. AM. A. FUCKING. LEGEND. I'm a fucking legend (yes). I am a fucking legend.