About Charlieharris90
I have just started trying to speedrun Goldeneye, not particularly competitive but enjoying playing
Contact details
Interesting facts
Charlieharris90's real name is Charlie Harris.
Charlieharris90 is currently 34 years old.
Charlieharris90 uses the 1.2 control style.
Charlieharris90 uses a PAL console.
Charlieharris90's country: United Kingdom.
Joined The-Elite:
23 June 2022.
Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
27 June 2022.
Gamer stats
point rank
point rank
time rank
time rank
Latest times
2022-10-04: Aztec - A - 7:55
2022-10-04: Cradle - SA - 1:05
2022-10-04: Statue - 00A - 3:00
2022-10-04: Depot - A - 0:37
2022-10-04: Statue - A - 3:12
2022-10-04: Bunker 2 - A - 0:43
2022-10-04: Jungle - 00A - 9:59
2022-10-04: Surface 1 - A - 1:20
2022-10-04: Surface 2 - A - 1:35
2022-10-04: Caverns - SA - 9:43
2022-10-04: Control - SA - 12:26
2022-10-04: Jungle - SA - 6:59
2022-10-04: Train - 00A - 7:29
2022-10-04: Train - SA - 5:51
2022-10-04: Depot - 00A - 4:44