Kyle Reid

About Kyle Reid

Highest goldeneye points 4723/ 6000
Highest goldeneye point rank 15th.
Highest goldeneye time rank 20th.
Points on 60/60
Streamed PBs 31/60

May 10 2024
Runway 00A 0:34 First completion
Runway Leaderboards
Top 15 / Top Point Ranked Canadian

Dec 17 / 2023
Streets 1:11 TWR
Streets Leaderboards with 1:55s

Sep 24 / 2023
Top 20 Points Rank
Silo 00A 1:31
10 point gain during a short 5 min sesh taking a break from Fac 00A.

Dec 23 / 2022
Top 25
Statue Agent 2:19
Skipped from 2:21
28th to 24th

April 3 / 2022
Top 30
Silo Agent 1:04

Feb 24 / 2022
Depot SA 39 TWR

Nov 27 / 2021
Cavs Agent 101 TWR
Cavs Leaderboards 270 points

March 10 / 2021
Cradle Agent 33 TWR
3k Points
Top 50
2nd World Record (after runway 22)

Notable Speedgame times
Pokemon Red 2h 09m
Ninja Gaiden NES 16m49s
FFX Any% 11h06m16s
Links Awakening DX Any% 4m43s
No S+Q 59m55s
Legacy 1h27m

Interesting facts

Kyle Reid uses the 1.2 control style.

Kyle Reid uses Reverse.

Kyle Reid prefers Wide.

Kyle Reid uses both NTSC and PAL consoles.

Kyle Reid's country: Canada.

Joined The-Elite:
11 November 2018.

Joined the GoldenEye rankings:
11 November 2018.

Joined the Perfect Dark rankings:
1 June 2023.

Gamer stats

point rank
with 4703 points
time rank
with 1:14:00
Perfect Dark
point rank
with 66 points
Perfect Dark
time rank
with 20:22:04