All videos for Chicago - Stealth - Agent

Difficulty:AgentSpecial AgentPerfect AgentLTKDark LTK

A list of all videos submitted for Perfect Dark's Chicago - Stealth on the Agent diffuclty, including duplicated times and times that are no longer the players' PBs.

*Points are applicable to the date the time was achieved, if known.

0:14/100Video 25 Jun 2011 NTSC True Faith
0:14/100Video 4 Sep 2018 PAL Joris 10.55 mine pickup, sick ending
0:14/100Video 6 Feb 2019 NTSC ThaRixer I was told a lot of things when i first went for this time as a new player. But if there was one per
0:14/100Video 25 Apr 2020 NTSC BK #Amalgamates Ricky is a beast for helping me figure out the tricks. Very solid run, 10.48 pick
0:14/100Video 7 May 2020 NTSC Perfect Ace Awesome time - thanks to everyone who gave tips, especially Ricky music video: https://www.youtub
0:15/100Video 18 Jul 2002 NTSC Discombobulator
0:15/100Video 29 Nov 2002 PAL Karl Jobst
0:15/100Video 18 Jul 2003 NTSC Big Bossman Video is original using VCR. Dupe using DVR.
0:15/100Video 28 Mar 2004 PAL Your Eliteness 10.65 case pickup
0:15/100Video 21 Nov 2004 NTSC Funky Buddha 10.76 case, clean finish.
0:16/100Video 26 Nov 2000 NTSC ExpertGamer Nov. 26th 2am EST
0:16/100Video 26 Nov 2000 NTSC ParagonX9
0:16/100Video 20 Dec 2000 PAL Cck I was 5th:) And first PAL player:) And first one with 1.1.:)
0:16/100Video 30 Sep 2001 PAL Wabs
0:16/100Video 9 Oct 2001 NTSC SgtRaven
0:17/100Video 14 Jun 2000 NTSC SnapDragon Video is an 0:18 From August 20th 2000
0:17Video 8 Jul 2004 NTSC Dan Cervone
0:17/0Video 17 Feb 2013 NTSC Axel Z
0:17/0Video 24 Mar 2014 NTSC Icy I'll have to come back to this later to get 16.
0:17/0Video 3 Feb 2019 NTSC KillRideMasterJ Ooh?
0:18Video 26 Feb 2006 PAL Gragz
0:18Video 9 Sep 2014 NTSC Ledwith 0:16 is eventual goal
0:18/0Video 2 Jan 2018 NTSC Justin Jupiter
0:18/0Video 23 Feb 2018 NTSC Tuck if i didnt get stuck wouldve been 17 or 16 :(
0:18/0Video 24 May 2018 NTSC MadmanFlechr First mine throw hit.
0:19/0Video 20 Dec 2004 PAL David Cliff
0:19/0Video 31 Dec 2017 NTSC Justin Jupiter
0:19/0Video 9 Nov 2018 NTSC Retrix Fox 2nd try
0:19/0Video 4 Jun 2019 NTSC-J Cal
0:19/0Video 1 Aug 2019 NTSC Sere approximately 4000 billion :18 fails and this is the one that completes
0:20/0Video 3 Feb 2019 NTSC KillRideMasterJ boom
0:20/0Video 31 Jul 2019 NTSC Sere
0:20/0Video 19 Mar 2020 NTSC-J TheIrishBub
0:20/0Video 13 Jun 2020 NTSC biske_la_varet
0:20/0Video 8 Oct 2020 NTSC Quills
0:21/0Video 29 Oct 2019 NTSC Agent Zero Video is duplicate proof from 06/06/2021
0:21/0Video 19 Mar 2020 NTSC-J TheIrishBub 20.96 rounded up wtf
0:21/0Video 26 Apr 2020 NTSC ghostbus
0:21Video 6 Jun 2021 NTSC Agent Zero Duplicate time for proof
0:21/0Video 8 Sep 2021 PAL Mr. Blonde :D I've tied this a couple of times "Mr Blonde" tie
0:22/0Video 1 Oct 2014 NTSC Benobot99 YES! :D Very happy. The mine toss and drone are annoying.
0:22Video 11 May 2018 NTSC Discordian Oh this definitely could be lower, but it's my PB rn ^-^.
0:22/0Video 16 Sep 2018 NTSC Retrix Fox
0:22/0Video 4 Nov 2018 NTSC ghostbus
0:22/0Video 21 Feb 2020 NTSC-J TheIrishBub
0:22/0Video 5 May 2020 NTSC karmamachine
0:23/0Video 9 Feb 2020 NTSC-J Mr. Blonde
0:23/0Video 26 Jul 2020 PAL SSJ2Luigi
0:23/0Video 3 Oct 2020 NTSC Quills
0:24/0Video 28 Jul 2019 NTSC Sere The less pacifist version
0:24/0Video 21 Feb 2020 NTSC-J TheIrishBub
0:24/0Video 5 May 2020 NTSC karmamachine
0:24Video 4 Oct 2020 PAL Cal From Cup match vs SSJ2Luigi
0:25Video N/A NTSC Eric Renzulli
0:27/0Video 21 Jan 2020 NTSC-J TheIrishBub
0:27/0Video 12 Jun 2020 NTSC biske_la_varet
0:28/0Video 26 Nov 2023 PAL Joost_Vermeulen
0:29/0Video 4 Jun 2019 NTSC-J Cal
0:33/0Video 15 Nov 2014 NTSC Amiral_Popov
0:43/0Video 5 Jun 2024 PAL xVallium917
0:45/0Video 26 Apr 2018 NTSC MadmanFlechr Bombspy strats.
0:47/0Video 5 Oct 2022 PAL Aviarius
1:22Video N/A PAL adambozon
1:34/0Video 15 Apr 2018 NTSC MadmanFlechr Tried the mine throw for like ten minutes and just decided I'd come back to it later.
1:37/0Video 11 Jan 2020 NTSC-J TheIrishBub
1:42/0Video 12 Oct 2023 PAL Lee Cullen
1:57/0Video 4 Nov 2019 NTSC TheIrishBub
2:07/0Video 27 Jul 2019 NTSC Sere Pacifist Taxi Run Fists Only
2:30/0Video 4 Nov 2019 NTSC TheIrishBub
2:32/0Video 4 Nov 2019 NTSC TheIrishBub
2:51/0Video 16 Apr 2023 PAL Ahrle Late upload due to YouTube limit
3:04/0Video N/A PAL JazzaBigHits
5:17Video 15 Apr 2018 NTSC MadmanFlechr Casual playthrough.